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Angel in the House
25 november 2022 - 28 januari 2023
Ellis Scheer: Angel in the House
Ik was bij de opening van de tentoonstelling en het was heel inspirerend.
Je kunt daar binnenlopen als de eigenaars van de Gallery aanwezig zijn (het interieur designers-duo Daniella en Elish van Greenberg+ Oaktree) of hun van te voren een mailtje sturen expositie@amsterdamartspace.nl
Ooit (tijdens This Art Fair) ging ik naast Ellis Scheer op de bank zitten en waande me in de vorige eeuw en liet mijn gedachten de vrije loop bij haar filmische beelden in pastel.
As the daughter of a magician and his assistant, Ellis always been enchanted by the alternate realities theatre and film present to us. To lose oneself in another world is something deeply poetic and magical to her. From a desire to access these distant worlds, she uses her artistic practice as a means to extend them into our reality.
Her installations are domestic scenes that suggest the presence of a character or the illusion that something is about to happen. The atmosphere within them plays a crucial role, which is affected by the nearness of her pastel drawings, referencing unidentified movie stills, and her own projected films. In these films and in her performances, she acts out traditional feminine roles idealised by western society in the 20th century, such as the housewife. Looking back on the past reveals how much has changed within a relatively short period of time, but also how outdated ideals still permeate into contemporary society. By doing so, Ellis wishes to honour her foremothers, who as women didn’t have the same liberties as she has now.